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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Phrase of Tourism

Meaning of tourism

Theory I

Tourism is one of a new kind of industry that is capable of accelerating economic growth and job creation , increase in income , living standards and stimulate other productive sectors . Furthermore , as a complex sector , tourism industries also realize classics such as handicraft industries and souvenirs , lodging and transportation .

Source:  ( Salah  Wahab )

Theory II

Tourism is a journey that is done for a while, which was held from one place to another leaving the original position , with a plan and with the intent not to try or make a living in the places visited , but simply to enjoy leisure activities and pertamsyaan or to meet the diverse desires .

Source: ( Richard Sihite ) in Marpaung and Bahar

Theory III

Tourism is an activity journey for recreation  . Usually communities visited tourist places of interest , ranging from mountains , beaches , cities, etc. . Modern man  now tourism as principal needs after busy work life . Moreover, supported by a growing number of transport fleets and which offered an attractive price with a certain destination make communities more vibrant in recreation .


Theory IV

Tourism or tourism is a journey made for recreation or vacation , as well as preparations are made for this activity . A tourist or a tourist is someone who travels at least as far as 80 km (50 miles) from his home with recreational purposes , is the definition by the World Tourism Organization

Source: (

Conclusion : Tourism is a relaxing activity that  to take a load off  for a moment and gather with family in order to create a pleasant atmosphere and can also relax and learn from somewhere.

"let's tourism while learning!" maybe that's a little phrase that would be fit about the tourism.


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